lvrebelman's Diaryland Diary


The Future of 2004

Ah, and now to use this forum the way I intended, to provide "the big picture."

I finished my first summer class today, and I'm starting another one on Monday. I don't know what I'd do without summer school, probably feel like a useless, lazy bum, like the summers of high school.

I have a few trips lined up for the rest of the year:

Next month, if all goes well, I'll be going with Holly to Washington, DC. I've never been there, so it'll be fun. If anything, I'm going for the Smithsonian Air/Space museum. :-)

Right after that I'm going to Ensenada, Mexico with one of my friends from Spanish class. I had a great time with her in April, and I guess at the very least, she liked me enough to invite me again.

In December, I'd really like to go to Peru, to see my family and a few more sites. I'd really like to visit Cuzco this time, or perhaps even Nazca .

Everything is going pretty well. I do have my ups and downs, but they don't last a long time, really.

I've butchered my fall semester classes more than usual this year. I think I'm taking the following:

French 1


Seminar: Memory

Biology (over again after I got a D- the first time)

I tend to do well when it comes to introductory language classes, thanks to two years of Latin in high school. As for the other three, if I study, I think I can pull off A's amd B's.

I've come to see that even though I find a lot of the things I am being taught to be easy, I still need to open the book once in a while. :-)

09:58 - July 09, 2004


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