lvrebelman's Diaryland Diary


Listen Up!

Alright, bitches, I present my weekly update on Diaryland.

So I'm here in L.A. at my mom's place. 5 days and I haven't gone crazy yet. :-) Only 6 more to go, then I have to start getting ready for fall semester. I can't wait for fall. It gives me a sense of order and purpose that I just can't get during the summer. lol, my boss has me working a 4-hour shift next Sunday, the nerve! j/k I don't care, I get to mingle a bit with all the newbies who can't find their way around campus. I feel like an asshole sometimes at work. I think I'm the only student worker who offers input on some things that need changing in our policy. They are necessary though, as I've seen a lot of weird shit people have done over the years. I won't go into the graphic details.

Even though there has been some drama, I'm glad that I'm here, away from any sort of responsibility. I feel like I haven't been on vacation these past two months, and even though fall semester starts next week, it's more relaxed and spread out than summer school.

Yesterday my mom and I went out and I ended up getting a shirt, similar to one I saw on some clothing store's website. I've decided it will be my October 1 shirt, as I will be playing on some slot machine at Paris or the Venetian slowly getting drunk at 12:01am...

As for what this week holds, I think I will take some pics and do a photo essay of some sort, I haven't done one in a really long time. Just pictures of where I typically go when I'm here. Thursday I'm going out with a couple of friends from high school. I think they suffered the most from my gradual withdrawal from the world a while back.

I've been thinking about that a lot recently. This will be the last time I will talk about it, I need to move on. Still, some analysis is ok, in my opinion. My parents drive me crazy!!! There, I said it. Why can't they have a social life other than me. Why can't they have other things in life to have going other than me? Why can't they have their shit together? Even I have friends and can save a buck or two in the bank! Alright, I'm calm now. :-)

I think the roughest part of my time here is the weekend. Things just slow down, on TV, on the street...

11:01 - August 22, 2004


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