lvrebelman's Diaryland Diary


Is Summer Over Yet?

Hmm.... six days since I updated, close enough...

This entry is directly from my LiveJournal, btw, in the event you read both,

On Tuesday, I went to the John Kerry rally. It was well, an educational experience. I learned the importance of aesthetics in politics, and of course, I met Teresa Heinz-Kerry. Even though my opinion of her is only based on three things, seeing her in person convinced me that she'd make one hell of a first lady, even better than Hillary Clinton.

Wednesday-Friday was really stressful. It was rather busy at work, but I was glad I was the sole person working at the desk. Being around other people I work with can be annoying sometimes, and I feel I do a better job when I work alone anyway. While I loved my class, my grade is solely based on work I did this week. I had an essay due, and of course, a final.

I should really put this on UNLV's Spectrum newsgroup, but I have to admit that if the day of the meetings is changed, I will not attend. I already rearranged my schedule so I'd have Tuesday nights off. That and I don't need any drama in my life...

On Tuesday I leave for L.A. For the most part, I'm viewing it as some time off where I have no responsibility whatsoever. On the other hand, I fear there will be some drama there. That's the last thing I need.

I'm going to take a few books with me. I think I can read them each in one day if I can concentrate. I'm thinking:

  • The latest David Sedaris Book which I bought but have hardly touched.

  • "Anthem" by Ayn Rand

  • "1984" by George Orwell (another book I bought many moons ago but didn't get past page 10)

  • "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" by Thom, Ted, Kyan, Jai and Carson (For reference)

    This week my hormones have been active... It's not a bad thing, but I still need to get used to the whole concept of checking out guys, etc. I think I have a bit of a crush on someone actually. I haven't seen him since school ended in May, but it's a bit different than the last ones I've had previously. It's manageable, no acts of stupidity, no indication of desperation from me. He's someone I probably cannot have, but there are times where I enjoy the weird feelings that accompany a crush, it reminds me I am human.

    Even though I've had a lot of negative, painful experiences because of it, I think I'm making progress in accepting my place in society as a gay guy. It's a really slow process, but it's still a process, something that will continue to develop no matter what.

    Still, it would be nice to have more people in the journey, but I know that it will be possible to do it the way things are now, just a bit more slowly.

    23:06 - August 14, 2004


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