lvrebelman's Diaryland Diary


Random little entry that would normally be in Livejournal

The people above me decided to play their music at 5am. What the fuck? Damn insomniacs! So yeah, that explains the time...

I went to Holly's going-away party last night. I met some people I haven't seen in a long time, including my Women's Studies professor from 2 years ago and some of Holly's friends.

I am going to miss her. We didn't see all that much of each other last semester, but I have to say she was the first friend I made here, and I did go to London with her, there's a bond there. She'll be gone for a semester, btw.

I'd write more, but I need to sleep. I have an 8-hour shift at the library, the last long shift before I go to L.A. I'll survive.

Livejournal has been boring me a bit, can you tell? Oh, and I don't have the feeling of needing to satisfy people as much here, as half of the people on my buddy list never update anymore. :-D

05:30 - August 08, 2004


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