lvrebelman's Diaryland Diary



I think I needed a loooong break from diaryland rather than a complete departure. I have a lot of friends who I know in person on LiveJournal, which makes it a bit awkward at times to write there.

Hmm... I just looked at my last post here and I almost forgot that I ended it on a positive note. I think I tend to focus more on the negative than on the better things in life.

Since April, well, actually things are not all that different.I am still single, and finishing up my degree at UNLV.

I have to say that almost all areas of my life have improved since I started writing here so long ago. There have been periods of depression here and there but overall I am much happier than I was back in 2002.

On a whim I took a photography class during the summer and I ended up loving it. I am trying to study it as much as I can before I graduate in May. Here is some of my work:


Street Photography

More to come, soon.

15:01 - November 11, 2005


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